I am Abhijeet Das, a Research Associate at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. I have completed PhD in Physics from Rajiv Gandhi University (A Central University) under the guidance of Prof. Sanjeev Kumar. We investigated the roughening dynamics/surface growth and correlated it with the physical properties of the investigated thin films using mono- and multi-fractal geometry.
I have been awarded the Research Associateship (RA) from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India under the mentorship of Dr. Mohit Kumar Jolly. We are working on understanding the significance of fractal geometry and/or parameters in (i) early diagnosis of Breast cancer and (ii) investigation of Breast cancer in the framework of Systems Biology. In addition, we are also applying fractal parameters for understanding the possible mutation derived chaotic nature of proto-oncogenes.
My research interests are highly inter-/multi-disciplinary in nature although, all are related to study of complex dynamical systems. I am also involved in collaborative works with national and international research groups on various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. I hope and will try to work on questions of scientific interest in Physics, Biology, and Biophysics and consequently, broaden my knowledge and skill set.