Sanhita Sinharay

Assistant Professor

Phone : +91-80-2293-3695 (O)

Research Interests:
Molecular imaging (Photoacoustic, MRI, PET), contrast agent development, in vivo translation

Educational History

Post Ph.D.:  Junior Faculty, MD Anderson Cancer Center (2019-2021)
Post-doctoral fellow:  National Institutes of Health (2016-2019)
Ph.D. (2016): University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Masters (2009): IIT-Madras, Chennai, TN, India (Chemistry)
Bachelors (2007): Jadavpur University, Kolkata, WB, India (Chemistry)

Courses offered

BE215: Chemistry for Bioengineers
BE 219: Essential of research and innovation (Co-Instructor: Prof. Siddharth Jhunjhunwala, BE)
BE 224: Devices and Diagnostics (Co-Instructor: Prof. Bhushan Toley, CheE)

Awards / Honours / Affiliations

Senior Editor – Molecular Imaging and Biology (Springer Nature), 2024-present
Har Gobind Khorana Innovative Young Biotechnology Award (2024-present, DBT, India)
R.I. Mazumdar Young Investigator in Bioengineering (2021-2023)


  • Sinharay S, Randtke EA, Jones KM, Howison CM, Chambers SK, Kobayashi H, Pagel MD. Noninvasive detection of enzyme activity in tumor models of human ovarian cancer using catalyCEST MRI. Magnetic resonance in medicine. 2017 May;77(5):2005-14.
  • Sinharay S, Tu TW, Kovacs ZI, Schreiber-Stainthorp W, Sundby M, Zhang X, Papadakis GZ, Reid WC, Frank JA, Hammoud DA. In vivo imaging of sterile microglial activation in rat brain after disrupting the blood-brain barrier with pulsed focused ultrasound:[18F] DPA-714 PET study. Journal of neuroinflammation. 2019 Dec;16(1):1-1.
  • Riggle BA, Sinharay S, Schreiber-Stainthorp W, Munasinghe JP, Maric D, Prchalova E, Slusher BS, Powell JD, Miller LH, Pierce SK, Hammoud DA. MRI demonstrates glutamine antagonist-mediated reversal of cerebral malaria pathology in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018 Dec 18;115(51):E12024-33.