SP Arun
Phone : +91-80-2293-3436 (O)
E-mail: sparun at iisc.ac.in
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/visionlabiisc/
Research Interests:
Visual perception and neuroscience; Image processing; Signal processing;
Educational History
2006-2009 Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Carl Olson, Carnegie Mellon University
1999-2005 PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
1999-2002 MSE, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
1995-1999 B. Tech, Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay
Courses offered
NS201 Systems Neuroscience
MB208 Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
MB208 Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Awards / Honours / Affiliations
Will Be Updated Soon
- Pramod RT & Arun SP (2022) Improving Machine Vision using Human Perceptual Representations: The Case of Planar Reflection Symmetry for Object Classification, IEEE Transactions in Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44: 228-241
- Agrawal A, Hari KVS & Arun SP (2020) A compositional neural code in high-level visual cortex can explain jumbled word reading. eLife 9:e54846