Seminar by Dr. Parag Katira on Mechanics of Cancer

M Tech Classroom, BSSE Annex

Title: Mechanics of Cancer Abstract:  Cancer is a disease rooted in genetic mutations and epigenetic regulation of cell biology. There is extensive heterogeneity in the biological drivers of this disease across cancer types, across patients with one type of cancer, and even within tumors within a single patient, making early cancer diagnosis, accurate prognosis and treatment […]

Seminar by Dr. Shyni Varghese on Engineering the interface: From smart materials to devices to cell transplantation

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Title: Engineering the interface: From smart materials to devices to cell transplantation Abstract:  “In this talk, I will discuss our efforts in engineering the bio-material interface to achieve unique biological functions and medical applications. First, I will talk about design of hydrogel matrices to control stem cell fate in vitro and in vivo and use of […]

Seminar (Talk-2) by Dr. Shyni Varghese on Ex vivo 3D tumor models to study cancer cell invasion and T cell recruitment

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Title: Ex vivo 3D tumor models to study cancer cell invasion and T cell recruitment Abstract:  “Advancement in three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures and microfabrication has led to the development of physiologically relevant ex vivo models to understand the interdependency between cells and their microenvironment as well as various cellular functions involved in development and pathogenesis. In […]

Seminar by Dr. Tarini Shankar Ghosh on The gut microbiome and biological aging

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Speaker: Dr. Tarini Shankar Ghosh (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, IIIT-Delhi) Title: The gut microbiome and biological aging Abstract: "The gut harbours one of the largest microbial communities found in human body, with more than 1.3 trillion microbial cells encoding a functional capacity estimated to be more than 150 times the coding capacity of our own. Alterations in […]

Seminar by Prof. Herbert Levine on The Tumor-Immune Interaction: Pieces of a Multiscale Story

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Title: The Tumor-Immune Interaction: Pieces of a Multiscale Story Abstract: One of the most important advances in cancer research over recent years has been the renewed excitement regarding using the immune system to attack malignant cells. Understanding and managing the battle between adaptive immunity and the tumor is a complex multiscale problem, involving the molecular […]

Guest Lecture by Areejit Samal on Elucidating and leveraging the design principles towards realistic Boolean models of gene regulatory networks

Title: Elucidating and leveraging the design principles towards realistic Boolean models of gene regulatory networks Speaker: Areejit Samal (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai) Venue: MRDG Conference Room Abstract: Boolean networks is a widely-used mathematical framework to model gene regulatory networks. Such Boolean models consist of a set of nodes, directed edges between the nodes, and Boolean […]

LUMICKS (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) , “Tractor beams and single molecules: How to visualize and manipulate single biomolecules in real-time

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Title: Tractor beams and single molecules: How to visualize and manipulate single biomolecules in real-time Abstract: Imagine you could directly see the location and dynamics of individual proteins binding to a piece of single DNA. What if you could assemble your biological complex step by step and see it in action in real-time? What if you […]

Seminar by Prof. Herbert Levine on “Cell – ECM interactions and their relevance for cancer progression

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Speaker: Prof. Herbert Levine (Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor, IISc) Title: Cell – ECM interactions and their relevance for cancer progression Abstract: During metastasis, tumor cells must traverse fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) en route to the circulation. Conversely, immune cells must traverse the same medium en route to attacking a tumor. Thus, the study of the reciprocal feedbacks between […]

Special talk by Mr. Sarath Kolli on “Automation of therapeutics design in the era of Artificial Intelligence”

CES Classroom CES Classroom, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Speaker: Mr. Sarath Kolli, CEO of Boltzmann Labs Title: Automation of therapeutics design in the era of Artificial Intelligence Abstract:  Automation of the therapeutic design process through the integration of AI has drastically improved the efficiency and effectiveness of pharmaceutical research. With the power to assess large amounts of data within a short timeframe, AI algorithms […]

Seminar by Dr. Mirunalini Thirugnanasambandam on Image-based biomechanics

CES Seminar Hall CES Seminar Hall, 3rd Floor, Biological Science Building

Title of Talk: Image-based biomechanics in the era of personalized medicine Speaker Name: Mirunalini Thirugnanasambandam Speaker Affiliation: Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Abstract of Talk In the age of digital twins, when clinical management is moving towards a more personalized approach, it is often desired to evaluate patient-specific geometry and mechanical behavior. While ex-vivo tests […]

Seminar by Dr. Lorena Escudero Sanchez on “AI applications in radiological image analysis for cancer research

M Tech Classroom, BSSE Annex

Speaker: Dr. Lorena Escudero Sanchez, University of Cambridge Title: AI applications in radiological image analysis for cancer research Abstract: Imaging is one of the main pillars of clinical protocols for cancer care that provides essential non-invasive biomarkers for detection, diagnosis and response assessment. The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have proven potential to transform the analysis […]