Batch 2020
Aug 2020
Paras Jain
I am interested in studying regulatory and stochastic cellular processes from a theoretical view point. Apart from work, I volunteer to teach school students, and like to read and discuss about development policy and social behavior from a economic view point.
Works with: Dr. Mohit Kumar Jolly, Cancer Systems Biology Lab
Project title: Cellular mechanisms driving epithelial-mesenchymal heterogeneity in a population of cancer cells
Rakesh Kumar Pradhan
My scientific interests lies in the areas of Bio materials and Immunoengineering, and fortunately I am exploring these areas in my PhD.
General interests include dancing, gymming and exploring places.
Works with: Dr. Siddharth Jhunjhunwala & Prof. Balasubramanian Gopal
Project title: Understanding dynamics of Neutrophil – S. aureus interactions and methods to improve neutrophil’s killing capacity
S Abubakar Siddiq
I am interested in the mechanobiological aspect of aging. I am an avid reader of human psychology and stoic philosophy.
Works with: Prof. Ambarish Ghosh & Prof. Deepak Kumar Saini (Saini Lab)
Project title: Role of mechano-sensing in aging
Jan 2021
Pooja Patkulkar
I like reading, cooking and exploring science.
Works with: Dr. Sanhita Sinharay, Molecular Imaging Research Lab
Project title: Monitoring tumour pH sensitisation to improve current therapeutic outcomes in cancer patients.